PenchY – JVM Provisioning & Reporting Documentation

This is the documentation for PenchY, the Python Benchmarking Automation Tool for Java Virtual Machines.

PenchY is a tool which allows you to execute benchmarks for the Java Virtual Machine on one or more hosts. It will take care of the deployment of these jobs, install the required dependencies, execute the job remotely, and send back the results to the server. It does so in a very flexible way, and great care has been taken in order to make PenchY extensible.

This is why the PenchY architecture makes heavy use of the flow-based programming paradigm, where you can plug together componentents of a so-called pipeline in a very intuitive fashion. In the most simple scenario, you execute a benchmark on a remote host, filter the output, and send it back to a server, where it is plotted. These filters can not only be on the client, but also on the server.

For a quick demonstration of what PenchY is capable of, skip to the Example Gallery.

If you want to learn more, please follow these steps in order to get your PenchY up and running:

Indices and tables