

A job is a full fledged Python module (even though it has an .job extension) and gives you the power of the whole Python language: you can import modules, or execute programs. This provides a high degree of flexibility for the user. There are no restrictions on the language, but because the job is shared by server and clients, it has to be executable on both.

Communication with the rest of PenchY happens via the Job Description Language (JDL) API. The JDL is located in the directory penchy/jobs/, and the parts of it that are exposed (and useful) to the user are listed in the file penchy/jobs/

The design of the JDL had two main priorities: To ease writing jobs and to make it easy to extend.

The first priority is the reason why you can connect parts of it by using the >> syntax.

The second priority is the reason why classes with a complex inheritance hierarchy are used in the JDL (you can see it below) instead of simple functions although functions would be sufficient. In Python, it is common practice not to rely on types or classes to encode the behavior of an object, but to use protocols [1]. We decided that it makes extension easier and furthers uniformity to make this behavior explicit. Furthermore: We can relieve extension writers from common tasks.


Here is a diagram that shows the inheritance hierarchy of the JDL:

digraph Classes { rankdir = BT node [shape=box] edge [arrowhead = empty] Tool -> NotRunnable Tool -> PipelineElement Filter -> PipelineElement SystemFilter -> Filter Plot -> Filter Workload -> NotRunnable Workload -> PipelineElement WrappedJVM -> JVM WrappedJVM -> PipelineElement }

The elements of the Pipeline provide outputs (under logical names) that can be selected (full or in part) by other elements as input. Such an output can be used by several elements and must be persistent because of this (don’t use generators!). Analogously the outputs of many elements can be used as the input of an element.

The output is produced when run is called on an element and likewise fed to run of the element that needs this output.

Every element (not just PipelineElement) has support for hooks, that provide methods for setup and teardown methods. The execution of run is surrounded by those two, i.e. setup is executed at the beginning of run, and teardown at the end. Tools and Workloads are not run [2], but they have hooks nevertheless. Those hooks are executed when their associated JVM is run.


Pipeline-Dependencies happen in the flow of a SystemComposition and in the (server-)flow of a Job in form of data dependencies.

Data dependencies in the job are internally expressed via Edge objects. A user never encounters those because of the >> syntax, which generates Pipeline objects. The Edges that are comprised by a Pipeline can be accessed by their edges attribute.

The Edges construct a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) that is turned into a execution order by a topological sort (performed by edgesort()). The elements are then executed one after another in this order.

Input/Output Validation

Every element specifies the types of its inputs and outputs via Types. If the elements follow their specification or are used correctly is checked at various points. While this does not guarantee that the checked values are the expected ones, it does at least provide some plausibility.

The first validation phase takes place before a job is executed: check() does check if all elements fit into each other (check_pipe()) and if all elements will receive their inputs (check_sink()). This is performed purely on the specification. For this to work meaningfully those specifications have to be set no later than at the end of the initialization phase (__init__) of an element.

The second takes place inside the run of each element: check_input() examines all arguments that are passed to it and compares the actual arguments with the expected arguments.

While the typecheck framework cuts some corners (in regard to Python’s possibilities) it includes support for sum types and arbitrarily deep nested collections and should cover all the element needs.

More about this at Extending the Pipeline.

Execution and Communication Process

PenchY uses XML-RPC for Client Server Communication, the clients are hereafter called nodes to distinguish physical systems from the PenchY client.

Upon executing a job, PenchY will follow a procedure to execute your wishes as defined in your job. This procedure will now be explained in detail.

1. Distributing jobs to all involved nodes

When you execute PenchY, it will first copy the following files to your nodes:

  1. The Bootstrap Client (penchy_bootstrap)
  2. A Maven POM file listing the dependencies of your job (bootstrap.pom)
  3. Your configuration file (
  4. The job file itself

This will be accomplished by using SSH.

2. Executing the Bootstrap Client

The next step in the process is to execute the bootstrap client, which was previously uploaded to all nodes. This is done by simply using SSH.

In addition to installing the PenchY client from a maven repository, the bootstrap client will install all maven dependencies required by the current job.

3. Executing the Client

Next up: the PenchY client. Installed from a maven repository, it will get started by the bootstrap client.

The client is responsible for the actual execution of the job. It will execute each SystemComposition, whose hostname matches that of the node, one after another.

4. Reporting Results

Once the client has finished a SystemComposition, it will report the results back to the server. So it is absolutely probable that the client will report to the server multiple times within a single job.

[1](e.g. a object is seen as a file if it has the attributes and methods of a file, not only if it is a subclass of file).
[2]They are part of the JVM configuration and their hooks are executed by the respective JVM.