Deals with Apache Maven.
.. moduleauthor:: Fabian Hirschmann <fabian@hirschmann.email>
:copyright: PenchY Developers 2011-2012, see AUTHORS
:license: MIT License, see LICENSE
import logging
import os
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, ElementTree, parse
from penchy import __version__ as penchy_version
from penchy.util import memoized, tree_pp, dict2tree, sha1sum
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def get_classpath(path=None):
Returns the Java classpath using Maven.
This method expects a Maven POM (pom.xml).
A POM can be generated using the
:class:`BootstrapPOM` or :class:`POM` class::
>>> from penchy.maven import BootstrapPOM, get_classpath
>>> from penchy.jobs.workloads import ScalaBench
>>> pom = BootstrapPOM()
>>> for dep in ScalaBench.DEPENDENCIES:
... pom.add_dependency(dep)
>>> pom.write()
>>> get_classpath()
:param path: path to look for pom.xml in
:type path: string
:returns: java classpath
:rtype: string
for p in ([path, os.path.join(path, 'pom.xml')] if path else []) + ['pom.xml']:
if os.path.isfile(p):
path = p
if not path or not os.path.isfile(path):
raise OSError('No pom-file found at {0}!'.format(path))
if path:
log.debug('Using %s' % path)
cmd = ['mvn', '-f', path, 'dependency:build-classpath']
log.info('Executing maven. This may take a while')
proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE)
stdout, _ = proc.communicate()
stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8')
if proc.returncode is not 0: # pragma: no cover
raise MavenError('The classpath could not be determined: ')
for line in stdout.split(os.linesep):
if line.startswith('['):
# maven logging output
if line.startswith('/'):
if all(filter(os.path.isabs, line.split(os.pathsep))):
log.debug('Using classpath %s' % line)
return line
raise MavenError("The classpath was not in maven's output") # pragma: no cover
[docs]def setup_dependencies(pomfile, dependencies):
Installs the required dependencies.
:param pomfile: POM to use
:type pomfile: string
:param dependencies: dependencies to install
:type dependencies: string
write_penchy_pom(dependencies, pomfile)
for dependency in dependencies:
dependency.pom_path = pomfile
[docs]class MavenError(Exception):
Error which occurs when there Maven causes errors.
[docs]class IntegrityError(Exception):
Error which occurs when the checksum of an artifact is
[docs]class POMError(Exception):
Error which occurs if there are problems during the generation
of a POM.
[docs]class MavenDependency(object):
This class represents a Maven Dependency.
A sample Maven Dependency might look like::
dep = MavenDependency('de.tu_darmstadt.penchy',
'pia', '', 'http://mvn.0x0b.de')
This class will try its best to determine the filename on its own,
but since it's not always clear what the exact filename will be
like, it might be neccessary to pass it as keyword argument.
If the filename cannot be determined, :class:`LookupError` will
be thrown.
If the checksum parameter is specified, the file's sha1 checksum
will be checked against this checksum. An artifact's checksum can
be computed using::
$ sha1sum myartifact-0.1.jar
A real life :class:`MavenDependency` making use of the checksum
feature would look like::
POM_ATTRIBS = ('version', 'groupId', 'artifactId', 'version',
'classifier', 'packaging', 'type')
def __init__(self, groupId, artifactId, version, repo=None,
classifier=None, artifact_type=None, packaging=None,
filename=None, checksum=None):
:param groupId: the maven group id.
:type groupId: string
:param artifactId: the maven artifact id.
:type artifactId: string
:param version: the version of the artifact.
:type version: string
:param repo: the maven repository to use.
:type repo: string
:param classifier: the classifier of the artifact.
:type classifier: string
:param artifact_type: the type of the artifact.
:type artifact_type: string
:param packaging: the packaging of the artifact.
:type packaging: string
:param filename: filename of the artifact; guessed if not specified.
:type filename: string
:param checksum: the sha1 checksum of the file.
:type checksum: string
self.groupId = groupId
self.artifactId = artifactId
self.version = version
self.repo = repo
self.classifier = classifier
self.type = artifact_type
self.packaging = packaging
self._filename = filename
self.wanted_checksum = checksum
self.pom_path = None
def __key(self):
return (self.groupId, self.artifactId, self.version)
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, MavenDependency) and \
self.__key() == other.__key()
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__key())
def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover
return self.artifactId
def filename(self):
The full absolute path to this artifact.
:return: path to artifact
:rtype: string
cp = get_classpath(self.pom_path).split(os.pathsep)
for artifact in cp:
if self._filename:
if os.path.basename(artifact) == self._filename:
return artifact
if os.path.basename(artifact).startswith('-'.join((
self.artifactId, self.version))):
return artifact
if not self._filename: # pragma: no cover
log.error('Please specify the filename as argument to %s.' % self)
log.error('Incorrect artifact filename for %s.' % self)
raise LookupError('Artifact filename could not be determined!')
def filename(self, value):
self._filename = value
def actual_checksum(self):
The actual checksum of this artifact. Will be computed and cached.
return sha1sum(self.filename)
[docs] def check_checksum(self):
Checks if the checksum is correct.
:raises: :exc:`IntegrityError` if the checksum is not correct.
if not self.wanted_checksum:
return True
if self.wanted_checksum == self.actual_checksum:
return True
raise IntegrityError(
"Checksums don't match! Actual %s; Wanted %s" % \
(self.actual_checksum, self.wanted_checksum))
[docs]class POM(object):
This class represents a basic Maven POM.
Duplicates are discarded, so no repository or dependency will
be defined twice in the POM.
Keywords are directly translated into children of the <project>
would result in something like::
'modelVersion': '4.0.0',
REQUIRED_ATTRIBS = set(('artifactId', 'groupId', 'version'))
def __init__(self, encoding='UTF-8', **kwargs):
if not set(kwargs.keys()).issuperset(self.__class__.REQUIRED_ATTRIBS):
raise POMError(', '.join(self.__class__.REQUIRED_ATTRIBS) +
' are required keywords')
self.repositories = set()
self.dependencies = set()
self.root = Element('project')
self.tree = ElementTree(self.root)
self.dependency_tree = SubElement(self.root, 'dependencies')
self.repository_tree = SubElement(self.root, 'repositories')
self.build_tree = SubElement(self.root, 'build')
self.plugin_tree = SubElement(self.build_tree, 'plugins')
attribs = POM.ATTRIBS.copy()
dict2tree(self.root, attribs)
if encoding:
def _setup_encoding(self, encoding):
Uses a specific encoding.
:param encoding: encoding to use
:type encoding: string
dict_ = {
'groupId': 'org.apache.maven.plugins',
'artifactId': 'maven-site-plugin',
'version': '2.3',
'configuration': {
'outputEncoding': encoding}}
e = SubElement(self.plugin_tree, 'plugin')
dict2tree(e, dict_)
[docs] def add_dependency(self, dep):
Adds a given dependency to the POM.
:param dep: the dependency
:type dep: :class:`MavenDependency`
if dep in self.dependencies:
if dep.repo:
clean_dep = dict((k, v) for k, v in dep.__dict__.items() if k in
MavenDependency.POM_ATTRIBS and v)
e = SubElement(self.dependency_tree, 'dependency')
dict2tree(e, clean_dep)
[docs] def add_repository(self, url, identifier=None):
Adds a repository to the POM.
The identifier of the repository will be equal to
the url by default.
:param url: the URL of the repository
:type url: string
if url in self.repositories:
if not identifier:
identifier = url
e = SubElement(self.repository_tree, 'repository')
dict2tree(e, {'url': url, 'id': identifier})
[docs] def write(self, filename='pom.xml', pretty=True):
Writes the POM to a file.
:param filename: the filename to write to
:type filename: string
:param pretty: pretty-print resulting file
:type pretty: bool
if pretty:
[docs]class BootstrapPOM(POM):
This class represents a bootstrap POM which is used to deploy
PenchY and its dependencies.
All it does is extending :class:`POM` so that the POM depends
on the PenchY client as found in the Maven Repository.
'groupId': 'de.tu_darmstadt.penchy',
'artifactId': 'penchy-bootstrap',
'name': 'penchy-bootstrap',
'url': 'http://www.tu-darmstadt.de',
'version': penchy_version,
'packaging': 'jar', # won't work with pom
'groupId': 'de.tu_darmstadt.penchy',
'artifactId': 'penchy',
'version': penchy_version,
'classifier': 'py',
'repo': 'http://mvn.0x0b.de',
'artifact_type': 'zip'}
def __init__(self):
POM.__init__(self, **BootstrapPOM.ATTRIBS)
[docs]class PenchyPOM(POM):
This class represents the POM for PenchY. It is used to install
PenchY's dependencies.
This is similar to :class:`BootstrapPOM`
'groupId': 'de.tu_darmstadt.penchy',
'artifactId': 'penchy',
'name': 'penchy',
'url': 'http://www.tu-darmstadt.de',
'version': penchy_version,
'packaging': 'jar', # won't work with pom
def __init__(self):
POM.__init__(self, **PenchyPOM.ATTRIBS)
[docs]def make_bootstrap_pom():
Creates a Bootstrap POM and returns the temporary
file it has been written to.
:returns: temporary file
:rtype: :class:`NamedTemporaryFile`
tf = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
pom = BootstrapPOM()
return tf
[docs]def write_penchy_pom(dependencies, path):
Creates a POM specifying dependencies.
:param dependencies: dependencies to install
:type dependencies: Sequence of :class:`MavenDependency`
:param path: path to write the pom to
:type path: string
pom = PenchyPOM()
for dependency in dependencies: